A Non-Partisan Request to Get Out and Vote
Elections and voting should never be played like a game of “operator”; their outcome, desirable or less so, are extraordinarily important to our lives and welfare. One needs to do one’s own due diligence and research to determine through unbiased media and fact-checking agencies the “Truth” of the candidates’ positions and core beliefs, not just the haze of verity surrounding a shadow of a kernel of truth.
Unfortunately, it appears that the vast potential electorate in this country is either willfully ignorant or just too lazy to search out the facts and make up their own minds regarding current and potential elected officials and laws. Yes, ignorant... I use the term deliberately, and I don’t mean stupid. We as a people like to be fed our “facts” and opinions so we needn’t bother to think for ourselves; too much time taken away from celebrity TV or sports! The vast amount of misinformation and propaganda posing as gospel from both sides is appalling and the apathy of the citizens is inexcusable.
Our lives, health, safety, economy and potential all are dependent upon the citizen electorate expressing a choice of a candidate that most citizens don’t bother voting for, or against. Either they are disappointed that any given politician turned out to be not extreme enough or too extreme, didn’t accomplish everything on day 1 or accomplished something they didn’t want so they swear to hold their vote as punishment, or they don’t care enough to engage in the system at all.
Some won’t vote in" mid-terms" deeming them not “important” not understanding that the Congressional Elections elect all the House of Representatives (where the Speaker of the House is next in line for the presidency after the Vice President), and much of the Senate. These are the bodies that make the laws, not the President. The President can do next to nothing without the consent and backing of the Hill. Even appointing staff and judges are frequently at the mercy of the Hill. Our current stalemate and legislative standstill has been the result of lack of average voter turnout in 2010 and the absolute powers that those elected by default gained and maintained.
Ignoring the fact that voting is a privilege, a duty, responsibility, and a "Constitutional Right" affects us all. This time you must suck it up, do your due diligence as a citizen, research and vote for something important... your country and your life! It doesn’t take long, but it’s a long-lasting impact and way too important to let other people decide!
Vote early and avoid any chance of illness or weather disenfranchising you. If you haven't registered then do so immediately; check your status to make sure your information is correct, that you still show up on the registers, and that you know exactly when and where to go to vote. Take a new voter to register, take them to the polls, or volunteer to help escort those that might not have transportation. There is no action more important than voter participation... know your local, state, and federal candidates... research, read, ask questions,
VOTE or someone else will do it instead!