The year in review:
The worst hypocrisy is condemning in others what one does
To cast accusations, denunciations, indictments of others’
motives and actions just because you don’t agree with their opinion is one thing.
To use the same rhetoric, behaviours and tone as those
you decry in the process is a double standard not to be taken any more seriously than that with which you disagree.
Categorising, grouping, defining people by their “designation”
with no regard to what they actually believe is tantamount to defining by race, creed, colour, gender, sexuality, or age.
We are generally more alike than different…
It is unfortunate when that similarity although all-encompassing highlights the bad instead of the good.
It is unfortunate when that similarity although all-encompassing highlights the bad instead of the good.
31 December 2014
31 December 2014