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The whole World is sick in mind, body, spirit, and heart. Our heads ache, our insides churn, our chests pound, our lungs burn, and our b...

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

“Nobody living can ever make me turn back... ‘This Land was made for you and me’” (with thanks to Woody Guthrie)

The year in review:
The worst hypocrisy is condemning in others what one does oneself;
To cast accusations, denunciations, indictments of others’ motives and actions just because you don’t agree with their opinion is one thing.
To use the same rhetoric, behaviours and tone as those you decry in the process is a double standard not to be taken any more seriously than that with which you disagree.
Categorising, grouping, defining people by their “designation” with no regard to what they actually believe is tantamount to defining by race, creed, colour, gender, sexuality, or age.
We are generally more alike than different…
It is unfortunate when that similarity although all-encompassing highlights the bad instead of the good.

31 December 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014

“When will we ever learn…?”

(with thanks to Pete Seeger)

Where have reason and tolerance gone?
Why are so many eyes closed tight while claiming to see the other side; 
only seeing their own blinded view from within?

Where have discourse and discussion gone?
Why do voices all shout and demand acquiescence to their opinions; 
hearing nought but the sound of their own words?

Where have consideration and generosity gone?
Why do words preach benevolence and hope
when empathy, compassion, and charity are now deemed aberrant?

Where do we go from here?
Where is humanity, where went human kindness; 
when all that’s left is avarice and shame?

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 19 December 2014

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Suspending Belief..."It ain't what you say, it's the way that you say it"

Do you believe in what you do?
Do you trust what you believe?
Do you understand resulting actions?
Do you comprehend the meaning of your words?

Do you repeat the speech of others?
Do you research what you read?
Do you take their words as gospel?
Do you echo what you hear?

Do you appreciate different values?
Do you grasp what others say?
Do you know how to evaluate?
Do you consider or maintain?

Are you capable of empathy; 
see into someone’s pain?
Can you be swayed by reason; 
will your convictions ever change?

Ronda R. Scott-Marak   
© 17 December 2014

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

"Circus of Sours"... with apologies to Donovan Philips Leitch

I don't get it...
I don't understand...
Someone, please help me make sense of it all.

We're supposed to be on constant alert against Terrorists.

We are warned to report suspicious packages in depots
and on trains,

We are told we should understand, and not be upset when our data is read;
"It's just to keep us safe from potential danger".

Yet, People carry guns and semi-automatic weapons openly in public,

People threaten others openly in social media and on-line.
After an attack, mass shooting, rape, abuse, any egregious (sic)
act of violence everyone
 goes on about prior signs of danger and madness, unaccountably missed warning signs. 

But... we're supposed to overlook the glazed eyed person armed to the teeth at the grocer, 

the people carrying pickets with violent or racially charged depictions of the President,
the "Sovereign Citizen" rhapsodising about violently overthrowing the government,
the lunatics posting threats of violence, death, and terrorism online.
Because... "Freedom of Speech"... The lawyers petitioning the Supreme Court say so.
What if the Supreme Court agrees?

Someone tell me how we are supposed to recognise the deranged, violent, or the extremists speaking out from our neighbours, or the police?


Ronda R. Scott-Marak

© 2 December 2014