Do you find it aggravating that Customer Service
Representatives are not and don’t;
infuriating that phones go unanswered, emails un-responded, requests ignored?
infuriating that phones go unanswered, emails un-responded, requests ignored?
Raise your hand if you are tired of having to spend 5
minutes pressing buttons on the phone just to attempt to reach a human being
and then being disconnected?
Is it understandable that to everyone that it’s always “my”
fault when someone else doesn't do “their” job, but never their fault when
their lack of doing negatively impacts “my” ability to do my job?
How come no one listens, concentrates, pays attention,
understands what’s being said, or observes what goes on around them? Why is it
that someone else’s lack of focus is generally attributed to another person's else’s lack
of clarity?
Why is it that those that don’t know-how are usually the
ones that direct those that do;
those with no cognition the ones questioning answers, those making the rules are the people who don’t obey the policies, those that say do, don’t?
those with no cognition the ones questioning answers, those making the rules are the people who don’t obey the policies, those that say do, don’t?
Why are the worst providers of customer service tech and communication companies?
Why do off-shore phone banks lie about their phone numbers and location?
Why does every single representative, no matter their country of origin or company worked for, all use the same script? "No, you are not sorry for the inconvenience"; it wasn't an inconvenience... it was a complete sodding cock-up!
Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 27 March 2015
Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 27 March 2015