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The whole World is sick in mind, body, spirit, and heart. Our heads ache, our insides churn, our chests pound, our lungs burn, and our b...

Friday, March 27, 2015


Do you find it aggravating that Customer Service Representatives are not and don’t;
infuriating that phones go unanswered, emails un-responded, requests ignored?

Raise your hand if you are tired of having to spend 5 minutes pressing buttons on the phone just to attempt to reach a human being and then being disconnected?

Is it understandable that to everyone that it’s always “my” fault when someone else doesn't do “their” job, but never their fault when their lack of doing negatively impacts “my” ability to do my job?

How come no one listens, concentrates, pays attention, understands what’s being said, or observes what goes on around them? Why is it that someone else’s lack of focus is generally attributed to another person's else’s lack of clarity?

Why is it that those that don’t know-how are usually the ones that direct those that do;
those with no cognition the ones questioning answers, those making the rules are the people who don’t obey the policies, those that say do, don’t?

Why are the worst providers of customer service tech and communication companies?
Why do off-shore phone banks lie about their phone numbers and location?

Why does every single representative, no matter their country of origin or company worked for, all use the same script? "No, you are not sorry for the inconvenience"; it wasn't an inconvenience... it was a complete sodding cock-up!

Ronda R. Scott-Marak 
© 27 March 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

For Once in My Life

"for once I can say this is mine you can't take it" 
(with thanks to Stevie Wonder)

I am a wannabe: 

a wannabe writer, 
a wannabe singer, 
a wannabe designer, 
a wannabe anthropologist, 
a wannabe “trophy wife”.
I wannabe accomplished,
I wannabe happy,

I wannabe something else, someone else; 
for right now I wannabe content.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 25 March 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


“Sometimes I feel like I’m almost gone” 
(with thanks to Richie Havens)

I so want to wake up to a new beginning,
to see the sun and hear the birds with delight.
I don’t want to dread each new morning,
constantly wishing away the days to the week’s end.
I want days of calm, hours of quiet pleasures or joyous diversions.
I want fun, fresh air, laughter, and long walks, hand in hand.
I want music, theatre, books, and art.
I want to nap with a dog, do the crossword puzzle in bed; 
read into the night.
I want to greet the dawn with coffee on a swing set,
want to close my eyes looking forward to what next I’ll see.
I want time for nothing.
Time to do as I choose; unfilled moments with no plans or regrets.
I want to choose my path, to walk the Labyrinth, to travel freely through my mind.
Freedom to determine my own companions, 
opt for my own desires; make my own choices.
Chart my own journey.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 24 March 2015

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

“Caught up in Circles- Confusion is Nothing New” …

(with thanks to Cyndi Lauper)

Sometimes losing one’s heart... one's confidence
results in losing one’s mind;
Often we open ourselves to the unknown
to discover we were better off left unaware.
Unfortunately, it takes time to develop familiarity,
time that is not always on our side.
With information comes knowledge,
with experience comes understanding.
With realisation that your information was erroneous,
your instincts inaccurate, your faith unfounded
one needs to retrain the derailed trust.
Sometimes it is harder to learn to trust one’s self again
than to give up one’s trust of others.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 11 March 2015

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

"I Don't Care What They Say... In a World Without Love"

(with thanks to Sir James Paul McCartney)

I do not believe that success is equated with having lots of money. 

To me, wealth is measured by what one gives back, and not what one takes in. 

No one person, one family, one group deserves, or needs more power, or influence over everyone else; more cash than they can use for a good life for their family without willingly using some of their excess funds for the purpose of "healing the world" rather than an excessive lifestyle. 

Having money and property does not make one better, of more importance, or special... 
It is as much, or more the luck of birth and circumstance than talent, hard work, and deserved. 

I laud no person for greed and compound interest. I celebrate the open mind, hand, and heart.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 07 August 2014

“And it seems like I’ve got to travel on…”

(with thanks to Robert Zimmerman)

We all have landmarks in our days;
our lives are made up of moments,
scents, sounds, pictures that bring us back to where we were.
We have places that trigger the realisation that we’ve reached a momentary goal;
an intersection, an hour, an action that we’ve done what seems an infinite number of times.
We might stop and acknowledge their existence in our lives,
or never even notice that another milestone has passed.
How we live our lives, mark the passing moments,
acknowledge the steps and stops of daily existence
define who we have become…
stopping to view the landmarks, or driving past to the next objective.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 4 March 2015

Monday, March 02, 2015

“Everybody Says Don’t” …With thanks to Stephen Sondheim…

   Sometimes I feel so alone
  even when I’m not feeling lonely.

  Sometimes I just need to talk
  even when there’s nothing to ponder.

  Sometimes I just want a touch
  even when I don’t need embraces.

  Sometimes I want different answers
  even when there aren’t new questions.

  Sometimes I don’t want to be me; 
  tho’ I know there’s no else I can be.

“Make just a ripple; come on be brave, 
this time a ripple, next time a wave”

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 2 March 2015