“Anger destroys your soul”
(With thanks to Marvin Gaye)
You expect an apology;
what are you waiting for…
go about your day, live your life,
what makes you imagine anyone will admit they were wrong?
what are you waiting for…
go about your day, live your life,
what makes you imagine anyone will admit they were wrong?
You believe there was
maybe there was…
so what if people were harmed,
just who do you think will take responsibility for the damage?
maybe there was…
so what if people were harmed,
just who do you think will take responsibility for the damage?
Your feelings were
was it their fault or yours…
who won the argument doesn’t really matter,
do you know who is winning the war?
was it their fault or yours…
who won the argument doesn’t really matter,
do you know who is winning the war?
Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 30 March 2017