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The whole World is sick in mind, body, spirit, and heart. Our heads ache, our insides churn, our chests pound, our lungs burn, and our b...

Friday, January 12, 2018

On Broadway, Saturday Matinee

Find your seats and turn off your devices.
Take off your hats and don’t step on feet.
Unwrap your candy; don’t snap, crackle, or pop it.
Do not usurp the armrests or rustle your programmes.
No fidgets, no whispers, no cameras, catcalls, or phones.
There’s standing room only if required at the back of the House.
Overture and Beginners…
Everybody raise their Jazz hands.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
5 August 2017


For him, and me, and us:

A person spends most of his or her adult life with work associates;
more than family and friends.

At the end of that phase of living, whether by choice, circumstance or age people forget that closeness. They forget the friendships and camaraderie forged in pain, joy, and loss that they all went through together and that feeling frequently disappears when people drift apart.

When the ones gone from the circle are forgotten, ignored, and the shared experiences are swept under the rug or tossed into the trash it hurts.
It especially hurts their family when the lost one, no longer in anyone’s thoughts, sickens alone, neglected, or dies unmourned or unremembered.

Nothing is lonelier than becoming invisible and overlooked
by those, you have not yourself forgotten.
Nothing diminishes us as humans than neglected or disregarded friendships.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak

© 6 January 2018


"To sleep, perchance to dream"
(With thanks to Wm Shakespeare)

Physical pain can reference many sensations;
sharp, dull, buzzing, aching, throbbing, or constant but it always means discomfort.

Pain always hurts: physical pain distresses your body,
and emotional misery can hurt everything.

Exhaustion is palpable; it is a different sort of pain, a disabling, constant distress
that exacerbates all the tender spots, known and unknown.

Sleep pretends to help;
it promises dark quiet where the mind and body can drift in peaceful dreams.

Sleep might rejuvenate the organs and muscles to a degree.
It may calm the mind, relax the turbulence,
but it doesn’t relieve the fatigue in every molecule of body, mind, and soul.

I fear not even the final sleep will cure that.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak

© 9 January 2018