The whole World is sick in mind, body, spirit, and heart.
Our heads ache, our insides churn, our chests pound, our lungs burn,
and our bodies tremble in exhaustion, trepidation, and fear.
My personal space feels shattered, fragmented, out of sync and out of tune.
Feeling hopeless and overwhelmed, debilitated,
both over and underestimated weighs heavily upon my life; dizzy with shifting thoughts.
Many of us are spent; our energy, our bodies, our thoughts, our futures are drained dry.
Some, like many I know, don’t know how to go forward, but even less have the ability to stop moving.
We keep going nowhere; inertia and apathy stealing our future.
I never expected this life, this time and place, this dreamless nightmare.
I fight my way through the days and nights in the hope of anything better;
because something must be and should be better.
Many have less, fewer things, fewer friends and family, fewer possibilities and more anxiety.
Many have everything, and nothing; no hope, no joy, no chances, no love;
I am not there, not yet and hopefully never, but my luck is traditionally bad.
I know though that I have things for which I’m grateful;
I have shelter, some comforts, good and bad memories, the knowledge that I’ve tried.
Mostly, I am grateful to be alive because last week it wasn’t a certainty; give thanks for small blessings.
Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 8 April 2019