(With thanks to all the "Toraettes" for the triggered prompt)
Our cultural memories are often older than we have lived;
human, inherent, lifesaving in-the-DNA memories even older.
History is only partially memory, the
rest is made up of influence, opinion, and desire;
to the winner goes the narrative and the spoils
Word-of-Mouth family and national
histories; Generation to Generation, L’dor V’dor, whether by repeated family
tales or patrilineage and matrilineage
by the recitation of names back through unwritten records
Our individual
chronicles of nation, family, or sect are how we teach and learn.
History is not precise, memory is
fallible; words and meanings transform;
narrations alter; so, must then the conversation.
History is an amalgam of
misremembered observations;
it is a retrospective, even if written from accounts inscribed during an event
History, even if derived from
multiple factions is mutable
Knowledge changes, information
adapts, understanding and awareness rarely keep up.
Opinions are not fact, people are
not without fault, and today’s certainty is tomorrow’s doubt.
The only demonstrable fact is
change is constant and timeless.
Ronda R.
© 11 August 2020