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The whole World is sick in mind, body, spirit, and heart. Our heads ache, our insides churn, our chests pound, our lungs burn, and our b...

Friday, March 18, 2016

I am Me

"I am he as you are he as you are me as we are all together" 
(with thanks to Lennon and McCartney)

Introspective, empathetic,
strong of opinion, teeming with doubt,
sensitive, determined,
passionate, apprehensive,
cerebral, intuitive,
deeply compassionate
philosophical, eclectic;
I am me… who are you?

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 18 March 2016

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

When the Rain Comes…

(With thanks to John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Sir George Martin)

Rain in spring is different from rain in fall or rain in summer; 
it heralds life as it percolates to roots; 
freshening the air, and washing the upturned faces of new growth.

In autumn rain glues fallen leaves to pavement, 
drives life indoors as we hope for just another warm and sunny day; 
as we shiver on the edge of sleet.

Summer rain washes out festivals and games; 
it soaks the sands as much as the surf, 
bending plants, and saturating the air with oppressive discomfort.

Rain in winter melts snowdrifts, cleans out frozen gutters, 
and changes the clouds to a different colour grey; 
a blessing or a curse depending on how one views a midwinter snow.

Rain is a bath for the world, mother’s milk to the earth; 
puddles to splash, a reason to join forces 'neath a  'brolly, 
no need to ‘run and hide your head’ unless it’s pouring sideways into your eyes.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 9 March 2016