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Sunday, July 06, 2014

"Will You Join in My Crusade?"

I do not understand rudeness and incivility, especially in public places in front of children and strangers.
I especially do not understand that incivility directed at total strangers who happen to walk Or drive past.

If you disagree with a bumper sticker, placard, T-shirt, pin, hat or carry bag message you happen to see on the street then feel free to mutter quietly to yourself or companion then carry on with your life.

What you should not do is scream out obscenities, boo and hiss, make rude gestures, or threaten total strangers for the crime of not agreeing with your opinions on politics, sports, music, shops, lifestyle, or religion. 

This is especially true when viewing Independence Day Parades from the sidelines. It is the ultimate in ignorant behaviour for an adult to boo passing groups or floats... especially when the group is made up of many ages, cultures, and disabilities proudly displaying the Flag. It is additionally childish and rude to shout out loudly and repeatedly to the group, "you're in the wrong town" because you happen to be a member of a different party, religion, or ethnicity. The only legitimate response to that is (and was), "you're in the wrong country!"

Why Not?

1.  The person, party, group attacked was generally minding their own business, going about their life/lives. and not violating your personal space with their points of view.
2.  As much as you may fervently oppose their apparent point of view they have the same "Rights" as you do to express it... no matter your view of its validity.
3.  You show your ignorance every time you behave like a poorly raised child in public; being a bully and a spoiled brat, demeaning others to show how special you are disproves everything but your ignorance.
4.  Concealed Carry, gangs, people even crazier and bigger bullies than you, nasty drunks who might just take offence at your offensive behaviour and "Stand their Ground".
5.  Karma
I see plenty of things in life that I find offensive, with which I deeply disagree. Prior to my temper taking control of my actions, just before I open my mouth, within seconds of my head exploding with indignation I look away, I thrash the offending thing in my mind, grit my teeth, walk or drive away with tendrils of steam in the vicinity of my ears. What I do not do without major provocation (involving mistreatment of children, animals, or the otherwise helpless) is respond in kind by word or action. If forced to respond verbally I will be scathing, to the point, and oh so polite... and then walk away as quickly as I can.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak

© 5 July 2014

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