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The whole World is sick in mind, body, spirit, and heart. Our heads ache, our insides churn, our chests pound, our lungs burn, and our b...

Friday, August 22, 2014

"What is it Good For... Absolutely Nothing"

We have multiple generations of people with broken bodies, minds, and spirits.
Governments have caused these injuries through unending wars that mostly benefited no one, other than lining the deep pockets of sundry "Daddy Warbucks"; it is up to those same governments to repair the damage with as little stress to the victims as possible.

No veteran should have to do without:

Without food
Without housing
Without healthcare
Without services in return for their service.

No people or countries destroyed by self-serving government actions should be left with the clean up of Governments' broken toys. If the Governments broke the infrastructure, destroyed the crops, the economies, the innocent citizens of that desolation should be given the funds and tools to repair their lives.

Clean it up, repair what you can, and get the hell out.

That doesn't mean that we perpetuate the original destruction by continual occupation, nor does it mean that we make reparations to the guilty. When the aftermath of war is a Treaty of Versailles style boots to the teeth, then repercussions will always follow.

We never learn our lessons... War breeds:

War, Famine, Plague, Death, Fear, Hate, and Chaos.

Ronda Scott-Marak 

© 22 August 2014

1 comment:

  1. Agree or not with the opinions attached I think most of us can agree that veteran service personnel, human, horse, pigeon, or dog should never be tossed aside like spent brass once they've been used up.
