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The whole World is sick in mind, body, spirit, and heart. Our heads ache, our insides churn, our chests pound, our lungs burn, and our b...

Monday, February 22, 2016

“The World through a Tear”

"Now here am I, no one standing near; it's a lonely world, such a lonely world."
(with thanks to Neil Sedaka)

I can no longer read or listen to news, opinions, or commentaries without wanting to bury my head;
the blatant malice, viciousness, cruelty, and its underlying hatred and ignorance is suffocating.
No longer does my Voice speak out, it reverberates within my head screaming for release;
but I cannot speak my mind with any peace of mind.

I am so accustomed to petulance and brutishness that any clarity of thought or kindness leaves me in tears.
Any minor innocuous comment made is attacked with vulgarity, scorn, or unwarranted vitriol;
friend, foe, or total stranger attack without thought or compunction.

No longer is there concern as to truth, reality, or forethought, only the venting of spleen, defensible or not.
People believe the worst of everyone, they accept every conspiracy theory available without research
or concern as to whom they damage by the repetition of lies.

Strangers feel free to attack inoffensive personal opinions regarding art, music, literature or even food.
No longer can one feel safe to state a bland observation on the weather, or a pet’s name without being called vile names, or threatened with bodily harm.

We have truly lost our way when friends and family can no longer discuss anything without ranting hatred, and complete breaking of personal ties.
The Dark has won the current battle for our collective souls and convinced those espousing the Light that greys are more evil than complete and utter malevolence.

I can no longer bear to watch our determined, self-imposed, collective doom,
so I anticipate going forward alone for my sanity’s sake.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 22 February 2016 

1 comment:

  1. In all my nearly 62 years I have not seen so many previously intelligent adults acting like such spoiled brats having tantrums!
