(with thanks to Q,
Lesley, and the lyricists)
I don’t go to parties;
I am no longer a Party
I am not a Republican,
I am not a Democrat,
I am not a Socialist, a Tory, or Labour.
I am not an Independent, a Libertarian, or an Anarchist.
I am not a Progressive;
I walk in lock-step with no one.
I walk in lock-step with no one.
I do not take any side except my own.
I am a questioner, a delver, a free-thinker.
I believe in fact and not innuendo.
I believe in fact and not innuendo.
I am a Compassionate and a Realist.
You do not want me on your jury.
Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 8 December 2017