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The whole World is sick in mind, body, spirit, and heart. Our heads ache, our insides churn, our chests pound, our lungs burn, and our b...

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Mad World

I get angry, I don’t deny it, but I am not a violent person.
I do not understand violence, the desire to hurt, maim, kill is utterly foreign to me.

Yet… as beyond my understanding as it is that someone would pick up a weapon to deliberately strafe total strangers, killing haphazardly to get whatever satisfaction or notoriety the violence resulted in… there are moments I can understand how frustration and anger could prompt someone to consider picking a target and ridding the world.

Maybe the trick to understanding the world today is to join with the majority, wrap one’s bubblewrap around, and stop caring about others. Unfortunately, I am functionally unable to do that; I am hard-wired to care about the Earth, her inhabitants, the flora, fauna, and the microcosms of life that support us.

As the world gets darker, dirtier, more hateful, and less concerned about anything other than one’s own private domains and beliefs, many of its inhabitants are becoming more detached from each other or reality. Whatever lies the day brings, whichever talking head speaking the loudest and most adamantly, whoever manages to spin the fastest and grab the golden ring away from everyone else gets the coverage.

As a group, separately and together we are in the process of abandoning all hope, reason, truth, empathy, and each other. We are lost, unable to think, process, understand, or centre ourselves in a world gone mad. Some turn to reflections of themselves, some to their version of belief or lack thereof, and some just reach the breaking point and just act out, scream, hit, vilify, or even strafe unknown crowds. 

We are losing our coping mechanism, and I don’t see the balancing act between truth, reason, bullshite, and lies maintaining much longer; we are over the edge of normalcy, and I fear what happens next.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 9 May 2018

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