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Friday, July 27, 2018

Please take a Memo… (I'm going to get hate mail)

Take a Memo…

Dear Republicans:
Liberalism, Acceptance and Compassion are not dirty words, but Regressivism could be;
Social Justice is not anti-religion, Fairness is not Communism,
closed ears, eyes, and minds can lead to deadly results.

Dear Democrats:
Pragmatism, Moderation, and Progressivism are not dirty words, but Purity could be;
Wealth isn’t inherently evil; Businesses are not all corrupt,
Closed ears, eyes, and minds can lead to tragedy.

Dear Undecideds:
Taking a Stand is neither fundamentally wrong nor right;
Researching your chosen friends and your perceived enemies is required
if you opt to follow your desires, read and follow the rules of engagement within your district.

Ambivalence is understandable at times;
benefiting from or complaining about everyone else doing your Civic Responsibility is not.
If it is too bothersome to participate in the world you’re in, then move somewhere it’s forbidden.

Dear Everybody:
Getting what you want is less important than getting what you need;
Me-Centricism is much less important than the Common Good,
Education, Kindness, and Empathy are never over-rated,
Totalitarianism, Dictatorship, Theocracy, Oligarchy, and Fascism always are perilous miscalculations.
By the way… Name-Calling continues to go both ways, and Hatred is always a dirty word!

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 26 July 2018

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