You don’t have to believe in something bigger, more powerful, something divine to pray.
You only need to believe in yourself, your intentions, the creation of an inner plan;
desire for peace of mind, peace of the heart, unity within the body, peace in the world.
Prayer is clarity, a meditation, a centring of self with focus and intent.
Our actions are our own, only we can transform our lives,
only we can help to change and heal the world around and within.
If we pray for others to lose so that we alone can win we turn prayer into a curse.
When our desires for things and not love, calm, health, and gratitude take over our thoughts,
then our focus is sullied, and our intent spoiled with selfishness and delusion.
To turn intention into prayer is to understand love, to hope for good,
to truly desire to form unnamed need into words.
To bring forth understanding from chaotic thought
breathe in joy and breathe out fear; surround yourself with Light and the heartbeat of the universe.
Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 4 May 2019
Thank you, Brittany.