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The whole World is sick in mind, body, spirit, and heart. Our heads ache, our insides churn, our chests pound, our lungs burn, and our b...

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

“Nobody living can ever make me turn back... ‘This Land was made for you and me’” (with thanks to Woody Guthrie)

The year in review:
The worst hypocrisy is condemning in others what one does oneself;
To cast accusations, denunciations, indictments of others’ motives and actions just because you don’t agree with their opinion is one thing.
To use the same rhetoric, behaviours and tone as those you decry in the process is a double standard not to be taken any more seriously than that with which you disagree.
Categorising, grouping, defining people by their “designation” with no regard to what they actually believe is tantamount to defining by race, creed, colour, gender, sexuality, or age.
We are generally more alike than different…
It is unfortunate when that similarity although all-encompassing highlights the bad instead of the good.

31 December 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014

“When will we ever learn…?”

(with thanks to Pete Seeger)

Where have reason and tolerance gone?
Why are so many eyes closed tight while claiming to see the other side; 
only seeing their own blinded view from within?

Where have discourse and discussion gone?
Why do voices all shout and demand acquiescence to their opinions; 
hearing nought but the sound of their own words?

Where have consideration and generosity gone?
Why do words preach benevolence and hope
when empathy, compassion, and charity are now deemed aberrant?

Where do we go from here?
Where is humanity, where went human kindness; 
when all that’s left is avarice and shame?

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 19 December 2014

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Suspending Belief..."It ain't what you say, it's the way that you say it"

Do you believe in what you do?
Do you trust what you believe?
Do you understand resulting actions?
Do you comprehend the meaning of your words?

Do you repeat the speech of others?
Do you research what you read?
Do you take their words as gospel?
Do you echo what you hear?

Do you appreciate different values?
Do you grasp what others say?
Do you know how to evaluate?
Do you consider or maintain?

Are you capable of empathy; 
see into someone’s pain?
Can you be swayed by reason; 
will your convictions ever change?

Ronda R. Scott-Marak   
© 17 December 2014

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

"Circus of Sours"... with apologies to Donovan Philips Leitch

I don't get it...
I don't understand...
Someone, please help me make sense of it all.

We're supposed to be on constant alert against Terrorists.

We are warned to report suspicious packages in depots
and on trains,

We are told we should understand, and not be upset when our data is read;
"It's just to keep us safe from potential danger".

Yet, People carry guns and semi-automatic weapons openly in public,

People threaten others openly in social media and on-line.
After an attack, mass shooting, rape, abuse, any egregious (sic)
act of violence everyone
 goes on about prior signs of danger and madness, unaccountably missed warning signs. 

But... we're supposed to overlook the glazed eyed person armed to the teeth at the grocer, 

the people carrying pickets with violent or racially charged depictions of the President,
the "Sovereign Citizen" rhapsodising about violently overthrowing the government,
the lunatics posting threats of violence, death, and terrorism online.
Because... "Freedom of Speech"... The lawyers petitioning the Supreme Court say so.
What if the Supreme Court agrees?

Someone tell me how we are supposed to recognise the deranged, violent, or the extremists speaking out from our neighbours, or the police?


Ronda R. Scott-Marak

© 2 December 2014

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

We Gather Together to ask…

We always think we Need what we Want
We never seem to have enough:
Money…Things…Status… Power.
We frequently forget the Less stuff that others Have
especially in balance with what they Need;
Less Food… Less Shelter… Less Health… Less Time.
We believe we are entitled more than the ‘others’ to all the Benefits of a Life well lived.
Some work hard and get by, some work harder and don’t…
Some let others do their work for them.
Remember that life is like a savings account,...
One should be able to access what one has put into it…
Not withdrawing upon the Spirit that others have banked.
May your days be full of bountiful blessings;
the awareness of them, and never forgetting  the sharing of those gifts with others

Ronda R. Scott-Marak

© 26 November 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

“Teach your Children Well”… “and you of tender years can't know the fears that your elders grew by”

(with thanks to Graham Nash)

Is the Earth round?

Do her oceans’ tides fall and rise?
Does her atmosphere support life?
Why do we doubt what we see?
Do our chests rise and fall with life’s breath, do our gills open and close?
Do we see the stars that died before as light or as pieces of ourselves?
Are the colour variations of plants and flowers so different than the hues of Man?
Was Man designed to be dissimilar; did we grow to match our boundaries and not our expanses?
Is the Zebra shunned for its two-toned stripes by the Lippizaner or Friesian?
Is the mind of Man so different than the other beasts?
If the Lion can lie down with the Lamb why can Man not find similarities amongst his own diversities?

Ronda R. Scott-Marak

© 11 November 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Autumn Comfort … “When October Goes”

Roasted veggies… carrots, swede, and ‘neeps, beetroot and celeriac vie with tatties and hard squash, morels and porcini nestled in a fragrant fusion; garlic, leeks, and shallots in a herbal scented brew.
Sautéed cabbage red and savoy with apples, ham, and cider, or white and sweet potatoes, with savoury bacon stuffing… alongside roasted poultry with golden, crispy skin.
Pears, walnuts, and apples with cheeses, port, or sherry nibbled fresh or baked in fruit pies juicy, rich and sweet.
Chestnuts on a brazier, burning tongue and fingers bought from High Street vendors warming ‘round the fire.
Cinnamon and ginger, allspice, clove and nutmeg Scent the windswept wood smoke as Winter creeps ahead.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
©23 October 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

"Everybody's Talkin' at Me" - Contretemps

I cannot bring myself to a state of contentment living 
with the wrongs in the world.
I cannot just ignore, go about my day, pretend that everything is perfect, 
as planned, going well.
I cannot sit on my hands, silence my mouth, or still my thoughts 
when there is work to be done.
Minds must be opened, opinions must be changed; truth must resonate.
Words can kill, sicken, maim as much as disease, bullets, or blades
I want peace, joy, release…but
I am angry and I will not be silent!

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
©13 October 2014

Monday, October 06, 2014

L'dor Vador... From Generation to Generation

"Something can be too strong to bend, but only break;
too brittle to flex, just shatter." 

Faith is believing in yourself and others to do what is Good for the Best reasons and for the Gratitude of the All. Faith is not dependent on Another, it requires no Belief beyond Knowing You Are and You Can.

Sometimes you fight your way through the maelstroms and emotional storms to find that darkness still greets you; do not let despair block the pathway to warmth and Light.

The abyss is carved through sandstorms, and hailstorms of doubt, fear, scratchings of irritation. 

The canyon beneath your feet may be deep, the points may be sharp but the sky above is wider than all imagination, filled with all shapes and colour of clouds to dream on. Not all emptiness needs to be filled... the air is there to lift and carry you to wonderlands if you will just breathe and let yourself float. 
Choose Joy... choose Gratitude... choose to forgive yourself so you can forgive others. 
Choose Tolerance... Choose Understanding... Choose to be the Light that hides the shadows and not the dusk that becomes the shadow itself.

Learn from experience and the experience of others: Teach... Peace... Love... Share it on.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak

© 6 October 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

"The Name Game"

No “H”, One “D”, the choice isn’t free;

Remember this rhyme, the spelling is key.
No “I” before “E”, just personally;
I am not my name, but my name is me.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak 
© 26 September 2014

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

“The Times They Are a-Changin’” ...“Won’t Get Fooled Again”

A Non-Partisan Request to Get Out and Vote 
Elections and voting should never be played like a game of “operator”; their outcome, desirable or less so, are extraordinarily important to our lives and welfare. One needs to do one’s own due diligence and research to determine through unbiased media and fact-checking agencies the “Truth” of the candidates’ positions and core beliefs, not just the haze of verity surrounding a shadow of a kernel of truth. 

Unfortunately, it appears that the vast potential electorate in this country is either willfully ignorant or just too lazy to search out the facts and make up their own minds regarding current and potential elected officials and laws. Yes, ignorant... I use the term deliberately, and I don’t mean stupid. We as a people like to be fed our “facts” and opinions so we needn’t bother to think for ourselves; too much time taken away from celebrity TV or sports! The vast amount of misinformation and propaganda posing as gospel from both sides is appalling and the apathy of the citizens is inexcusable. 

Our lives, health, safety, economy and potential all are dependent upon the citizen electorate expressing a choice of a candidate that most citizens don’t bother voting for, or against. Either they are disappointed that any given politician turned out to be not extreme enough or too extreme, didn’t accomplish everything on day 1 or accomplished something they didn’t want so they swear to hold their vote as punishment, or they don’t care enough to engage in the system at all. 

Some won’t vote in" mid-terms" deeming them not “important” not understanding that the Congressional Elections elect all the House of Representatives (where the Speaker of the House is next in line for the presidency after the Vice President), and much of the Senate. These are the bodies that make the laws, not the President. The President can do next to nothing without the consent and backing of the Hill.  Even appointing staff and judges are frequently at the mercy of the Hill. Our current stalemate and legislative standstill has been the result of lack of average voter turnout in 2010 and the absolute powers that those elected by default gained and maintained. 

Ignoring the fact that voting is a privilege, a duty, responsibility, and a "Constitutional Right" affects us all.  This time you must suck it up, do your due diligence as a citizen, research and vote for something important... your country and your life! It doesn’t take long, but it’s a long-lasting impact and way too important to let other people decide! 

Vote early and avoid any chance of illness or weather disenfranchising you. If you haven't registered then do so immediately; check your status to make sure your information is correct, that you still show up on the registers, and that you know exactly when and where to go to vote. Take a new voter to register, take them to the polls, or volunteer to help escort those that might not have transportation. There is no action more important than voter participation... know your local, state, and federal candidates... research, read, ask questions, 

VOTE or someone else will do it instead!

Ronda R. Scott-Marak 
23 September 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

"Not a Sound from the Pavement ... I Remember the Time I knew What Happiness Was"

Memories get buried
Sometimes with us... sometimes before we die. 
Loss of moments,
Loss of lifetimes,
Love, joy, and sadness;
Faces, names, words, and music.
Losing the Self into a void,
Losing loved ones into a chasm;
Darkness and greys dulling colours and light.
Childhood superseding the Adult,
Today shrouded by long ago;
Stolen moments, stolen hours, stolen years.
Fearing the loss of memory, of Identity; more than life itself.
Age is a thief...
Personality, strength, concentration, height, vision, hearing, appetite, taste, and sleep...
but worse is loss that is not due to age;
The premature loss of essence, individuality, ego, soul
The deprivation and decay of Memory.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak   

© 27 August 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

"What is it Good For... Absolutely Nothing"

We have multiple generations of people with broken bodies, minds, and spirits.
Governments have caused these injuries through unending wars that mostly benefited no one, other than lining the deep pockets of sundry "Daddy Warbucks"; it is up to those same governments to repair the damage with as little stress to the victims as possible.

No veteran should have to do without:

Without food
Without housing
Without healthcare
Without services in return for their service.

No people or countries destroyed by self-serving government actions should be left with the clean up of Governments' broken toys. If the Governments broke the infrastructure, destroyed the crops, the economies, the innocent citizens of that desolation should be given the funds and tools to repair their lives.

Clean it up, repair what you can, and get the hell out.

That doesn't mean that we perpetuate the original destruction by continual occupation, nor does it mean that we make reparations to the guilty. When the aftermath of war is a Treaty of Versailles style boots to the teeth, then repercussions will always follow.

We never learn our lessons... War breeds:

War, Famine, Plague, Death, Fear, Hate, and Chaos.

Ronda Scott-Marak 

© 22 August 2014

Sunday, August 03, 2014

"Every Day I Have The Blues"

I do not feel anxious
     I'm just melancholy
I am not depressed
     I'm just discontent
Not out of my depth
     Just in the wrong current
My path is uncertain
     My dreams on hiatus
Not sadness I'm feeling
     Just feeling worn down
My slope isn't slipp'ry
     I'm sure of my footing
With no looking forward
     My life turned around
My heart isn't heavy
     not hopeful or hopeless
I'm just travelling backwards
     and bruised blue with regret

Ronda R. Scott-Marak

© 3 August 2014

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I feel a deeply rooted need to find truth, to make sense of the world, to figure out the way the world works. 
If I can't, in my own mind, find understanding, and truism... If I can not determine my own awareness of reality; if my inner vision is clouded by doubt, how do I function?

Perception is not all about what is really there. Understanding is not all about knowledge and analysis.

Realisation is a combination of inner and outer input; if the conflicts are overwhelming, the colours fusing into browns, the words are cacophonous... then there are no answers. 
I am in disquiet.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak

© 29 July 2014

Friday, July 25, 2014


"Too bad Common Sense isn't...
I now must go forward calling for Uncommon Sense
and not the usual Non-Sense!!!"

Ronda R. Scott-Marak

© 25 July 2014 

Monday, July 21, 2014

"I Read the News Today, Oh Boy"

This might be truth... but like many truths, people see what they want. 

Two sides made up of both right and wrong, good and bad, 

information and deceit, decisions, delusion, and desire; fear and hate.
It needs to be resolved, an answer to be found for reason, understanding, and peace for all.
Ultimately there has to be an end to hate, and a start to healing and trust on all sides. 
That means thinking, and not just acting and reacting; not letting others force reactions that inflame... 
whether it be one group's actions to incite, or another's for retribution. 
Either just leads to anarchy and annihilation.
Extremism on all sides must end. 
To quote Tevye, "on the other hand, there is no other hand."

Ronda R. Scott-Marak  

© 20 July 2014

Saturday, July 12, 2014


I am so tired of hatred and ignorance riding the train of apathy.

Jump off
Do Something
Change someone's mind
Change yours
but only into something positive
Climb onto the soul train
that leads to respect and understanding
Care about something important
Side with empathy
Be kind
Show goodwill
Open your eyes and mind
Close your mouth

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
©   12 July 2014

Sunday, July 06, 2014

"Will You Join in My Crusade?"

I do not understand rudeness and incivility, especially in public places in front of children and strangers.
I especially do not understand that incivility directed at total strangers who happen to walk Or drive past.

If you disagree with a bumper sticker, placard, T-shirt, pin, hat or carry bag message you happen to see on the street then feel free to mutter quietly to yourself or companion then carry on with your life.

What you should not do is scream out obscenities, boo and hiss, make rude gestures, or threaten total strangers for the crime of not agreeing with your opinions on politics, sports, music, shops, lifestyle, or religion. 

This is especially true when viewing Independence Day Parades from the sidelines. It is the ultimate in ignorant behaviour for an adult to boo passing groups or floats... especially when the group is made up of many ages, cultures, and disabilities proudly displaying the Flag. It is additionally childish and rude to shout out loudly and repeatedly to the group, "you're in the wrong town" because you happen to be a member of a different party, religion, or ethnicity. The only legitimate response to that is (and was), "you're in the wrong country!"

Why Not?

1.  The person, party, group attacked was generally minding their own business, going about their life/lives. and not violating your personal space with their points of view.
2.  As much as you may fervently oppose their apparent point of view they have the same "Rights" as you do to express it... no matter your view of its validity.
3.  You show your ignorance every time you behave like a poorly raised child in public; being a bully and a spoiled brat, demeaning others to show how special you are disproves everything but your ignorance.
4.  Concealed Carry, gangs, people even crazier and bigger bullies than you, nasty drunks who might just take offence at your offensive behaviour and "Stand their Ground".
5.  Karma
I see plenty of things in life that I find offensive, with which I deeply disagree. Prior to my temper taking control of my actions, just before I open my mouth, within seconds of my head exploding with indignation I look away, I thrash the offending thing in my mind, grit my teeth, walk or drive away with tendrils of steam in the vicinity of my ears. What I do not do without major provocation (involving mistreatment of children, animals, or the otherwise helpless) is respond in kind by word or action. If forced to respond verbally I will be scathing, to the point, and oh so polite... and then walk away as quickly as I can.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak

© 5 July 2014

Thursday, July 03, 2014

"Hot town, 'Summer in the City'; back of my neck getting dirty and gritty"..."Doesn't seem to be a shadow in the city"

(with thanks to John Sebastian)

Those that don't, won't, or can't allow themselves to believe in Global Warming and Climate Change will bury their heads in the burning sand until that rushing tide comes in and drowns them.
What good will their factories, chemicals, and money do then?
What do they leave for those children they do not wish to burden?
What are they going to do then?

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 3 July 2014

Do you Hear the Chimes of Freedom Calling?

One man's freedom is another man's oppression
Another man's freedom is a different man's obsession.
Freedom of choice is meaningless until one chooses
Available options seem infinite until one loses.
If our only freedom is the lack of solid chain
What freedom has one's thoughts to surface in one's brain?

Ronda R. Scott-Marak

© 03 July 2014

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Fortissimo jolts
Staccato throbs
Arpeggio up and down spine
Plucking raw nerves
Pizzicato sting 
Crescendo... agony... supine
Sforzando piano
Accelerando to Coda
Adagio Di capo... Why?

© Ronda R. Scott-Marak

27 March 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2014

"... It Goes In and Out"

Plenty of people with whom I agree I neither like nor respect.
The people I do like and/or respect I accept for those things about them I enjoy.

I don't live in an echo chamber surrounded by the reverb of all like minds.

There is generally something one can find to appreciate about people...
Sometimes it requires more effort than I am able to expend...
still, in most instances, I try.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak

© 28 June 2014

"This Door Swings both Ways"

Yes, we want to be with those that agree with us.
But if one never hears anything other than our own echo
or see only our own reflection
how do we ever learn, grow, or teach?

Ronda R. Scott-Marak

© 27 June 2014

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Droplets and Grains of Sand

Fear is opportunistic
Certainty is fragile
Doubt is an advancing wave...
Crashing, sending out spray;
Tendrils of worry, spreading, then absorbing onshore.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak

©  26 June 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I am pretty sure it isn't "Five Feet of Heaven in a Ponytail"

What is love?
Is it a chemical reaction?
An illusionary sensation caused by pheromones, sight, sound, fragrance, thought?
Is it unknown wish fulfilment triggered by cruel fate?
Is the sensation in our "hearts" or in our heads?
Is it impulse or obsession, pleasure or pain, strength or weakness?
At any level do we have control? Can we ever decide to just Not?
To cease feeling, choose numbness, decide to think rather than dream?
How do our senses choose so wrongly?
Why do our "hearts" feel it's right when our brains know the signals are wrong...
Won't stop believing in the shadow radar...
Won't admit the blips that speed the heartbeats are delusion.
Can we live not knowing, survive without feeling, escape the blessing, or the curse of humanity?
Should we try to stop wondering why?
Is the belief in the dream all that love is?
Does it matter?

Ronda R. Scott-Marak 

© 19 June 2014

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Oh Please, Please, Please
Please make it happen
Let this go my way
May this person heal, get better, live
Just let things go well this time and
I will do better next time, be a better person, never do it again
I Promise

We all pray for something whether we believe or not

We make deals with ourselves, pledges to the indefinite
Covenants with the Unknown
We all need to hope for Better
Have faith in the World, Ourselves, Chance
Without prayer, there is no Hope
Without Hope, we just exist
The Spirit is within us
Our Choices, Our Actions
Our Heart and Our Will

Ronda R. Scott-Marak

©13 November 2013


I am so tired of black and white, blue and red, bluster and fury, incendiary, name-calling absolutes.

My world is grey and purple, informed and reasoned. I believe in passionate logic, not explosive rhetoric. 

I believe in facts before conspiracy, humanity before selfish gain.

I am the other. I do not march in step or conform to anyone's labels.

I do not want to adhere to stereotypes, I hate to accept the finality of them, even when they're proven true.

Open your eyes to find the truths. Sometimes the only way to find them is in the reflection of the lies. 

Ronda R. Scott-Marak

© 21 June 2014


Happiness comes one smile, one hug, one laugh at a time as well.
It's the spaces in-between,
the rest notes,
that brings the darkness or the light.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 21 June 2014


Never turn down information;
if you don't agree with it,
you can always use it later to debunk fallacies.

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 21 June 2014

Thursday, June 19, 2014


The world changes daily and we inhabitants must find our way down new paths, around new obstacles,
and viewing new reflections every moment.

Our plans may be constant 
but our lives are ever in flux leaving end results a mystery.

Our options are infinite.
 Every choice made or rejected impacts
everything else in chain reactions. 

Ronda R. Scott-Marak
© 19 June 2014